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Before we can send anything, you must first confirm your request.

Before we can send anything, you must first check your email and confirm your request.

Sometimes people accidentally misspell their email. We need to make sure we have permission to send the songs to the email address you entered.

STEP 1 > >

We just sent you an email. Find the one that says it’s from “Logan from ShatterRed” and open it.

Find the email from ShatterRed.

> > STEP 2

Click on the confirmation button inside of the email to confirm your request.

Click on the confirmation link.

STEP 1 > >

We just sent you an email. Find the one that says it’s from “Logan from ShatterRed” and open it.

Find the email from ShatterRed.

> > STEP 2

Click on the confirmation button inside of the email to confirm your request.

Click on the confirmation link.

As soon as you have confirmed your email address, the free songs will instantly arrive in your inbox.


Click to go to your

email provider:

<a href="http://gmail.com"><img src="http://shatterredmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/GM-icon-1.png" width="100"></a>   <a href="http://outlook.com"><img src="http://shatterredmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/outlook-icon.png" width="100"></a>   <a href="http://mail.yahoo.com"><img src="http://shatterredmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/yahoo-icon.png" width="100"></a>   <a href="http://icloud.com"><img src="http://shatterredmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/iCL-icon.png" width="100"></a>

As soon as you have confirmed your email address, the free songs will instantly arrive in your inbox.


Switch to your mail app.

Or click below to go to your email provider:

<center><a href="http://gmail.com"><img src="http://shatterredmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/GM-icon-1.png" width="100"></a>   <a href="http://outlook.com"><img src="http://shatterredmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/outlook-icon.png" width="100"></a><br><a href="http://icloud.com"><img src="http://shatterredmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/iCL-icon.png" width="100"></a>   <a href="http://mail.yahoo.com"><img src="http://shatterredmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/yahoo-icon.png" width="100"></a></center>