This is your chance to get our album for any price you want!

Fan Chosen
Our fan base got to hear early samples of these songs and vote on which ones ultimately made it to the album. The fans have spoken; we listened — and now you get to hear the end result.
The Reviews Are In!
Fans have given this album 4.5 out of 5 stars on iTunes and 4.9 out of 5 stars on Amazon. Even Coldplay and Katy Perry don’t have ratings that high!
The Best Way To Support The Band
Other companies (iTunes, Amazon, etc.) take a huge cut of the sales away from music creators. And let’s not even get started with Spotify. Buying through this site is the BEST way to support the band.
For just 24 hours, we are giving our album away for any price you choose to pay. We want to make this album easily accessible to anyone on any budget. That’s why we’re allowing you to pick this album up for as little as $1. We do have a suggested price of $7 (still several dollars cheaper than iTunes), but whether you pay more or less than that is completely up to you! For those of you who can afford to pay a little extra, we’re going to give you even MORE songs and content. The “tiers” are outlined below. Please note that once the countdown timer expires, this offer will be gone for good. We will never be able to release this “pay what you want” pricing again. This is a one time opportunity.
The New EP Is Coming!
For the last several months, we have been writing and writing and writing. We ended up with over EIGHTY SONGS. We narrowed them down to the top 12. Eventually, we’ll release all of them…… but the first batch is almost here! Releasing September 9, the “Expose Your Shadows” EP will feature 4 new hit tracks, professionally mixed and mastered at ReAmp Studios in Las Angeles, CA.
We can’t wait to get these songs in your hands, and right now, if you pay $7 or more for our current album, “Scarlet Rain,” you’ll get the full EP for FREE when it releases!
Use the drop down menu below to select your price, then click the “Buy Now” button to purchase the album.
**See graphics above for explanation of pricing tiers. Make sure you choose the one you want!
- Let In The Love
- You Are The One
- I Love Coffee Truth
- City of Starlight
- Exordium
- Like The Lie
- Sync My Heartbeat
- Your Song
- What We Have Now
- Dance Hero
- Everything Is Beautiful
- Prayer Over Scarlet Rain
- The Promise
- Let In The Love
- You Are The One
- I Love Coffee Truth
- City of Starlight
- Exordium
- Like The Lie
- Sync My Heartbeat
- Your Song
- What We Have Now
- Dance Hero
- Everything Is Beautiful
- Prayer Over Scarlet Rain
- The Promise
- Full 13 Track Album
- PDF File Of Original Album Art
- Lyric Booklet
- DRM Free (put on as many devices as you want)
- Available to upload to permanent iCloud library through Apple Music.
- Plays on any computer or mobile device
- Full 13 Track Album
- PDF File Of Original Album Art
- Lyric Booklet
- DRM Free (put on as many devices as you want)
- Available to upload to permanent iCloud library through Apple Music.
- Plays on any computer or mobile device
What The Fans Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our fans do the talking! Here are some reviews from iTunes:

What The Fans Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our fans do the talking! Here are some reviews from iTunes:

Frequently Asked Questions
Pay any price... really?!
Yes, we want anyone to be able to have this album, even if all they can afford to pay is $1. Music is expensive and we do have a lot of costs to cover, so for those who can pay more, we’re counting on them to do so (plus there are some great bonus incentives!) — but at the end of the day, we just want you to be able to have this album.
Why are you doing this?
We have heard so many stories since the release of the album about how this music and the ministry of the band has dramatically impacted lives. We’ve heard every story of hardship and struggle you can imagine, and we’re thrilled to be able to offer a little bit of hope and light into some of the darkest of circumstances. We want anyone to be able to experience this album, so we are offering it right now at any price you choose.
What happens when the countdown clock reaches zero?
Once the countdown clock hits zero, this page will expire and this offer will be gone for good. If you want this album with this pricing and bonus incentives, you must purchase it before the countdown hits zero.
Why can't you leave it up longer?
This pricing is so low and radical. There are very few bands in the world that have ever offered anything similar. Music sales across the industry are getting tighter and tighter, so offering a full album at pricing this low is practically unheard of. We absolutely want anyone to be able to get this album, but if someone leaks the link to this page, or if too many people decide to buy it at once later on, it would be too much to keep up with and we could potentially lose a lot of money. A time limit helps resolve some of these risks.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept any major credit card as well as PayPal. All transactions are 100% secure through our merchandising platform.